महावीर उपाध्याय मेमोरियल डिग्री कॉलेज, ढाका

( A Permanent-Affiliated Unit of B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur )

Run By Nirmala Purnendu Educational Trust

NGP Vision


To develop and empower youth through education that fosters knowledge and skills promotes values of equality, secularism and national integration, molds character through discipline and rigor.


    i. To follow up its glorious tradition of excellent academic performances, inclusive growth as well as quality assurances with equal opportunities.

    ii. To increase female participation in the field of higher education as a part of the legacy of this town.

    iii. To provide access to higher education to a greater number of students particularly from the weaker sections, irrespective of religion, caste or creed through formal and non-formal (distant learning) mode without compromising with quality.

    iv. To impart quality-based higher education with a view to acquiring knowledge and developing skills among the students to generate new vistas of resources for the country.

    v. To develop knowledge of liberal arts, basic sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, physical education and other multi-disciplinary courses of modern relevance.

    vi. To develop a responsible, sensitive youth force who have social commitments for the greater section of society at large.

    vii. To lay emphasis on value education so that the students would become worthy citizens with noble ideals of serving their country.

    viii. To promote analytical and empirical research and micro-studies in basic and social sciences, and humanities with special emphasis on the needs and problems of the allied areas.

    ix. To ensure accountability to the society and create accountability at all levels.